GACE Business Education Study Guide & Practice Test

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What Is the GACE Business Education Exam?

The Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) is a series of exams used in Georgia to evaluate the skills and knowledge of aspiring educators. These tests cover a wide range of subject areas and vary in length and time requirement. Depending on the exam, GACE tests are used for entrance to teacher preparation programs or those seeking teacher certification. Specifically, the GACE Business Education test, which we will be focusing on here, is designed to test the knowledge of aspiring business education teachers at the secondary school level.

The GACE Business Education exam, like other GACE exams, is aligned with state and national curriculum standards. Therefore, the test measures the competency of aspiring teachers to teach business education in middle schools and high schools. Candidates will need to pass this computer-delivered exam in order to earn teacher certification in the content area. Learn more about the GACE Business Education test below.

Format, Length & Time Allowed for the GACE Business Education Exam

The GACE Business Education test actually consists of two tests. Candidates need to pass both tests to obtain their certification in the field. Test takers can decide to take each test separately on different GACE test dates, or together on the same test day as a combined test. Each part of the GACE Business Education test, Test I and Test II, allows 2 hours of test time to answer 80 selected-response questions. Those who choose to take the combined exam will have 4 hours of testing time to answer 160 selected-response questions. The table below outlines the subareas for Test I and the percentage of the exam it makes up:

Subarea of Test I Approximate Percentage of Test
Business Law 20%
Communication 24%
Economics and Finance 18%
Management 21%
Financial Analysis 17%

This table outlines the subareas and percentages for Test II:

Subarea of Test II Approximate Percentage of Test
Customer Relations 16%
Entrepreneurship and Business Organizations 30%
Information Technology 21%
Programs and Professional Development 33%

Test I Subareas

Test I consists of 5 different subareas. These areas focus on various knowledge concepts in different areas of business. Test takers have 2 hours of testing time for this part of the GACE Business Education exam, but the total test duration (including tutorials and directions) is 2.5 hours. Explore the different subareas below.

Business Law (20%)

This portion of the exam covers topics in law, ethics, contracts, business practices, and more to ensure that educators know, follow, and enforce business laws. Test takers will need to be prepared to answer questions about how law and ethics are connected, the consequences of illegal conduct, ethical character traits, and concepts such as consumer law, contract law, and law of sale. Candidates need to understand ways businesses can act socially responsible, what unfair business practices are, and the need for agency and employment laws. Finally, test takers will need to know the source of laws and be familiar with specific pieces of legislation, such as the Fair Credit Billing Act and the Consumer Leasing Act.

Communication (24%)

The communication subarea aims to evaluate the test taker's ability to send and receive communication. These skills are vital for not only business, but also teaching business in the classroom. This communication must be clear, professional, complete, and accurate. Test takers should be prepared to answer questions about information reading and social and business listening. Test takers will be evaluated on their skills for both spoken and written communication. Candidates will also need to understand the specific skills needed for workplace communication.

Economics and Finance (18%)

This subarea tests candidates' understanding of different economic concepts that are vital to business operations and personal finance. Test takers will need to know about the role of government in economic decisions, economic indicators, global trade, and market structures. Regulations, the role of government agencies in regulation, and legislation will also be covered. Other specific concepts that fall into this subarea include:

Management (21%)

In the management subarea, candidates must understand the function, implementation, and integration of management in business. Test takers will answer questions that examine their skills in problem-solving, goal setting, and leadership. Specifically, questions may ask about organizational goals, motivational theories, management strategies, and team concepts. Questions will also evaluate test takers' understanding of human resources and human resources management, such as employee recruitment and the role of organized labor. Candidates will need to know how to analyze needs to identify human resources requirements.

Financial Analysis (17%)

The final subarea of Test I requires candidates to demonstrate their abilities in business mathematics and the accounting principles used in financial transactions. Candidates will need to solve a range of problems using different skills, such as mathematic and logic skills. Test takers must understand common international standards of measurement and how to read financial statements. Questions about accounting principles may ask about financial statements, investments, the accounting cycle, revenue, liabilities, assets, equity, and more.

Test II Subareas

Test II only consists of 4 different subareas. These subareas are slightly broader in nature than the more specific concepts tested in Test I. This section is also a little more interdisciplinary as it tests candidates' skills in related areas, such as information technology and professional development in the field. This test must also be completed in 2 hours but has a total test duration of 2.5 hours. Here, you can learn more about each subarea in Test II.

Customer Relations (16%)

The first subarea, customer relations, focuses on strategies for positive relationships with customers. Test takers should be familiar with concepts such as customer service mindset and positive customer relations. Questions may ask about customer service initiatives, company brand image, and the role of management in customer relations. This section also tests candidates' skills in explaining policies to customers, word choice for customer interactions, and how to address customer problems. Candidates should also be prepared to deal with customers of different social and cultural backgrounds.

Entrepreneurship and Business Organizations (30%)

This subarea examines candidates' understanding of the procedures and methods for starting a business, as well as the different types of business organizations. Test takers must be able to analyze the advantages and risks of starting a business, the advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business, and the competencies in a business plan. Questions testing candidates' understanding of different types of business organizations may ask about sole proprietorships, partnerships, and different types of corporations. Candidates should also be familiar with tax codes and international laws for companies.

Information Technology (21%)

The information technology subarea evaluates candidates' understanding of different tools and systems used in business to make decisions. This section also aims to test their knowledge of technology-related laws and the advances in computer technology. Test takers should know the principles of computer systems and be able to select the required hardware or software for various purposes. Other concepts candidates will need to be familiar with include, but are not limited to:

Programs and Professional Development (33%)

This final subarea, programs and professional development, is intended to test candidates' understanding of the steps needed to obtain and develop a career and take advantage of leadership opportunities. Questions will evaluate test takers' knowledge of how to obtain work experience, utilize ongoing education, and use job-seeking documents. Aspiring educators should be prepared to help their students think about college and career choices and encourage participation in business-related student organizations. They will also need to identify students' strengths and weaknesses and how these relate to career development.

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GACE Business Education Test Preparation

For the best chance of success on the GACE Business Education exam, candidates should properly prepare for test day. Their GACE preparation may begin by obtaining a GACE Business Education study guide to learn about the format and content of the test. These guides are often available online and provide candidates with information about the number of questions, time limit, and types of questions they will see. For the GACE Business Education test, test takers can expect to answer a variety of short-answer questions, such as questions that require entering answers in a text box or questions where candidates select singular or multiple answers.

In addition to using a study guide, test takers should take advantage of tutorials and videos designed to familiarize test takers with test-taking tools (such as calculators) and what it will be like on test day. GACE webinars are also available to help candidates learn about available resources and ask questions about their exam. We will discuss some of these different online tools further below.

GACE Business Education Practice Test

Another valuable tool for test preparation is a GACE Business Education practice test. These practice tests are designed to simulate test day, following the same format and producing the same number of questions, types of questions, and time constraints. Therefore, these practice exams provide test takers with real experience taking the exam. Test takers should use these practice tests throughout the preparation process. For example, taking a GACE practice test at the beginning of the study process can help candidates identify areas of strength and weakness to better create an individualized study plan. Then, as they study, candidates can continue to take practice tests to see areas that need further improvement. Candidates can also learn from their incorrect answers and can often see an explanation of the correct answer. Typically, the questions on these practice tests are solely sample questions and will not be on the actual GACE test, although similar questions may be.

Create a Study Plan for the GACE Business Education Assessment

After learning about the exam with a GACE study guide and evaluating their skills with a practice test, candidates should be sure to create a detailed study plan to organize their time before the GACE Business Education test day. Test takers will want to be sure that they allow enough study time leading up to their GACE test dates and carefully follow a study routine. Their study plan should also implement the learning style(s) that best fits their needs. While creating a study plan, test takers may want to collect a wide range of study resources, such as books and courses.

Find Help for the GACE Business Education Test

As mentioned, there is a wide range of resources available for GACE Business Education preparation. Many of these resources are available online through the GACE website. However, some in-person resources are also available, such as courses at postsecondary institutions. Test takers should consider using a variety of resources to cover the range of subareas found on the GACE Business Education test. Other resources for study prep include, but are not limited to:

GACE Business Education Study Strategies

In addition to collecting resources, utilizing study guides and practice tests, and creating a study plan, test takers should be aware of more general study strategies. For example, it is important for candidates to create a proper study environment free from noise and distractions. Candidates should also be aware of how they learn best, individually or in groups, and plan accordingly. It may be helpful to do a combination of both, studying by oneself and then reviewing in a group. Test takers should continue to focus on areas that seem more difficult for them and/or those areas that make up a larger percentage of the total exam.

Many test takers also suffer from test anxiety. To combat this, they should become as familiar as possible with what to expect on test day. They can read through the GACE website to learn about test day and what to expect, as well as guides on taking a GACE computer-delivered test. The GACE website also provides a guide specifically on reducing test anxiety that may be helpful.

Finally, test takers should be sure to find a good life balance while studying. They should take breaks, rest, exercise, and do other activities for their mental health. Eating well and getting enough sleep can also help candidates stay healthy for test day.

GACE Business Education Test Day Tips

On the day of the GACE Business Education test, candidates should be sure to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their testing time. Candidates must be sure to bring their admission ticket and ID documents. Other tips for test day include: