I have capital gains from US obligations (as identified in the supplemental information on my 1099-div), and I do not see where they are to be entered in turbotax ( Desktop Premier on a Mac) for my Maryland return. As I understand it, they should not be taxed by Maryland.
I also have dividends from US Obligations which were entered with the Federal return to be used on the state return. When I open MD 502SU, I see an "Income form US Obligations Smart Worksheet" with lines A, B and C.
Line A correctly contains the amount of dividends from US obligations.
Line B which is supposed to be "Capital gains from the sale or exchange of US govt obligations" doesn't have anything in it.
I have gone back through the federal and state form questions, and I am not seeing where I should be entering this information. (Other than either entering it along with the dividends)
Where is this information supposed to be entered?